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职称 研究员

电话 13297052488

邮箱 tangqin@mail.hzau.edu.cn


研究方向 鱼类遗传与育种、鱼类生物信息学













1. Tang Q, Zhang Q, Lv Y, Miao YR, Guo AY. SEGreg: a database for human specifically expressed genes and their regulations in cancer and normal tissue. Brief Bioinform 2019, 20(4):1322-1328.(一作, IF: 11.622

2. Tang Q, Wang Q, Zhang Q, Lin SY, Zhu YH, Yang XL, Guo AY. Gene expression, regulation of DEN and HBx induced HCC mice models and comparisons of tumor, para-tumor and normal tissues. Bmc Cancer 2017, 17.(一作, IF: 4.430

3. Wang Q*, Tang Q*, Zhao LJ, Zhang Q, Wu YX, Hu H, Liu LL, Liu X, Zhu YH, Guo AY et al. Time serial transcriptome reveals Cyp2c29 as a key gene in hepatocellular carcinoma development. Cancer Biol Med 2020, 17(2):401-417. (*共同一作, IF: 4.248)

4. Tang Q, Song YL, Shi MJ, Cheng YY, Zhang WT, Xia XQ. Inferring the hosts of coronavirus using dual statistical models based on nucleotide composition. Sci Rep 2015, 5.(一作, IF: 4.379

5. Tang Q, Wang CF, Xie CX, Jin JL, Huang YQ. Dietary Available Phosphorus Affected Growth Performance, Body Composition, and Hepatic Antioxidant Property of Juvenile Yellow Catfish Pelteobagrus fulvidraco. Sci World J 2012.(一作, IF: 1.219

6. Chen YX, Shi MJ, Cheng YY, Zhang WT, Tang Q#, Xia XQ#. FVD: The fish-associated virus database. Infect Genet Evol 2018, 58:23-26.#共同通讯, IF: 3.342

7. Liu BL, Hu FF, Zhang Q, Hu H, Ye Z, Tang Q#, Guo AY#. Genomic landscape and mutational impacts of recurrently mutated genes in cancers. Mol Genet Genom Med 2018, 6(6):910-923.#共同通讯, IF: 2.183

8. Ravichandran M*, Lei R*, Tang Q, Zhao YL, Lee J, Ma LY, Chrysanthou S, Lorton BM, Cvek A, Shechter D et al. Rinf Regulates Pluripotency Network Genes and Tet Enzymes in Embryonic Stem Cells. Cell Rep 2019, 28(8):1993--2003.作)

9. Cheng K, Tang Q, Huang YQ, Liu XL, Karrow NA, Wang CF. Effect of vitamin D-3 on the immunomodulation of head kidney after Edwardsiella ictaluri challenge in yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco). Fish Shellfish Immun 2020, 99:353-361.作)

10. Cheng K, Tang Q, Guo X, Karow NA, Wang CF. High dose of dietary vitamin D-3 modulated the yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco) splenic innate immune response after Edwardsiella ictaluri infection. Fish Shellfish Immun 2020, 100:41-48.(二作)

11. Chen P, Tang Q, Wang CF. Characterizing and evaluating the expression of the type IIb sodium-dependent phosphate cotransporter (slc34a2) gene and its potential influence on phosphorus utilization efficiency in yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco). Fish Physiol Biochem 2016, 42(1):51-64.(二作)

12. Wang CF, Tang Q, Luo W, Zhao YM. Modeling phosphorus metabolism in fish species: an example for juvenile yellow catfish, Pelteobagrus fulvidraco. Aquacult Int 2016, 24(1):281-294.(二作)

13. 唐琴,廖全中,曾洁,王超凡,雷学文,王春芳饲料磷含量对黄颡鱼幼鱼生长、生化组成及血清生化指标的影响,bat365在线平台登录学报,201130, 506-510.

14. Stephanie Chrysanthou*, Qin Tang*, Joun Lee, Samuel J Taylor, Yilin Zhao, Ulrich Steidl, Deyou Zheng, Meelad Dawlaty. Non-enzymatic functions of Tet1 are required for proper regulation of embryonic stem cell biology and development. (*共同一作,Nucleic Acid Research)

15. Liyang Ma, Qin Tang, Xin Gao, Joun Lee, Run Lei, Masako Suzuki, Deyou Zheng, Keisuke Ito, Meelad M. Dawlaty. Tet enzymes are required for mammalian embryonic hematopoiesis. (二作,Sciense Advances)


1. SEGreg (http://bioinfo.life.hust.edu.cn/SEGreg)

2. FVD (http://bioinfo.ihb.ac.cn/fvd)

3. Seq2hosts (http://bioinfo.ihb.ac.cn/seq2hosts/)
